Ingénieur en mécanique senior avec douze ans d'expérience, spécialisé dans l'analyse par éléments finis (FEA), la conception assistée par ordinateur (CAO) et la gestion de projet.
J'utilise mes connaissances ainsi que d'excellentes compétences communicatives et techniques afin de trouver de nouvelles solutions et de créer des compositions uniques. Je suis motivé par des gens talentueux et des problèmes complexes, même s’ils semblent être insolubles. La reconnaissance et la distinction fréquentes de mon activité professionnelle ont agi comme une force motrice pour la continuation de mon travail assidu.
Axée sur les résultats
Entièrement autonome
ANSYS Workbench and Classic
Spaceclaim and Design Modeller
Mathcad, Maple, Mathematica
Microsoft Office; Word, Excell, PowerPoint
GOM Correlate
IR-NDT software, Catman
Utilisation de base de CAESAR II
Les normes:
Nov. 2020 - present
Expert in nuclear engineering at Development of Advanced Engineering Solutions (DAES, Geneva) and delegated from March 2021 to International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (The ITER Organization, Saint-Paul-lez-Durance) IPA scheme.
Sep. 2017 – Aug. 2020
Senior Mechanical Engineer at European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), Engineering Department, Mechanical and Materials Engineering Group, Engineering Design and Simulation section (COFUND Senior Fellowship contract).
Advanced scientific and engineering Finite Element Analyses for HL-LHC, LHC, FCC, FRESCA2, PS, PSB, SPS, FAIR, ELENA multidisciplinary projects. Static, transient and dynamic studies in mechanical, thermal and electrical problems.
Cooperation with engineers, scientists and technicians from around the world.
Following European and American standards (EUROCODE 3, VDI2230, EN13445, EN13155, EN13480, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code VIII).
Elaborated procedures for FLUKA maps import to ANSYS and their verification with APDL snippets, weld assessment according to EUROCODE3, pressure vessel evaluation according to ASME.
Verification and development of 3D mechanical design models and 2D technical drawings.
Following manufacturing flow of designed and commissioned machines.
Python scripting for parametric studies (Spaceclaim usage).
Analytical and hand calculations for emergency requirements.
Tutoring and training junior FEA engineers.
Writing and reviewing technical reports. Preparing recommendations and APDL subroutines for complex problems in ANSYS Workbench.
Presenting results in scientific conferences and project meetings (LHC beam dump block TDE review in CERN, PCM-ICCMM in Cracow in September 2019).
Participation in the HRMT36 experiment as a BTV operator, data collection and analysis, performing numerical and analytical studies, optimisation of tested materials and relevant accelerator's apparatus.
Participation in irradiation tests at GSI (Darmstadt 2018).
May 2014 – May 2017
Contractor in the OPUS 5 Research Project funded by the National Science Centre of Poland; Optimal design of composite materials and structures subjected to fatigue loads, UMO-2013/09/B/ST8/ 00178:
directly supervised thermal tests of composite plates with holes and participated in fatigue tests and SHM, failure Finite Element Analysis (FEA) using ANSYS,
cooperated in the design and preparation of specimens and experimental setup, IR-NDT Thermographic system and MTS 793 Material Testing System,
applied a 3D portable laser scanner, Creaform HandySCAN,
documented and analysed experiment thermographic results, published papers,
cooperated with the Department of Materials Engineering, Lublin University of Technology and outside companies.
Mar. 2014 – May 2016
Project Manager of PRELUDE 5 Research Project funded by the National Science Centre of Poland; Detection and evaluation of the delamination in multilayered composite structures by Active Infrared Thermography, UMO-2013/09/N/ST8/04360:
carried out thermo-mechanical numerical 3D FEM analyses of composite structures with delaminations using ANSYS,
conducted experimental studies of composite structures with artificial and real delaminations subjected to mechanical and thermal loads,
carried out measurements of strains during static compression tests of curved composite structures using MGCplus Amplifier and Catman HBM Software.
patented quantification method of damages in multilayered composites using the
a new standard of delamination,
implemented the concept of the heating excitation source dedicated to infrared thermographic tests of curved composite structures,
gained experience in obtaining grants, prepared the technical and financial documentation.
Oct. 2013 – Aug. 2017
Research and teaching assistant at Cracow University of Technology (CUT), Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Institute of Machine Design:
taught subjects such as experimental mechanics, machine design, mechanics of composites, technical documentation and drawing, CAD, Finite Element Analysis (FEA), ANSYS Classic,
mastered communication skills and stress management techniques,
the developed ability for searching and selecting specific information,
gained experience in writing well-structured research papers (21 published), technical reports, preparing teaching aids for students,
gained experience in public speaking while presenting research at 17 conferences and public seminars at CUT.
Aug.– Dec. 2014
Contractor at Tech-Force (Ltd.); numerical calculations division - new solutions for the design of composite blast walls:
applied ANSYS software in 3D finite element modelling of composite blast walls.
Feb. – Aug. 2011
Maintenance Coordinator at Mota-Engil Central Europe S.A. (PLC):
used SAP and SIGRE software, contacted various companies, supported ongoing projects.
July – Aug. 2009 & July – Aug. 2008
Student internship at Polset Sp. Z.O.O. (Ltd.), Transport, International Trade Company:
used Tachoscan software to scan and analyse tachograph charts, cooperated with outside companies.
Sep. 2016
Doctor of Philosophy graduation (summa cum laude) in the field of technical sciences, discipline: Mechanics, specialisation: Composite Materials. Thesis written in English, entitled: Failure analysis of composite structures by thermography.
Oct. 2010 – Sept. 2014
Full-time PhD studies at the Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, in the field of Technical Sciences, discipline: Mechanics, Machine Design and technical Operation.
Feb. 2011 – May 2013
Pedagogical studies for university teachers, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, Cracow University of Technology.
Feb 2010 – Jul 2010
University of Cadiz (UCA), The Polytechnic School of Algeciras (EPSA), the Final Project under Erasmus Programme: Organising a loading zone: An application to study and simulate storage stock:
2005 – 2010
Full-time and long cycle M.Sc.studies at the Cracow University of Technology, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, in the field of Transport, specialisation: Operation and Management in Transport. Thesis: Triboacoustic tests of the friction joints, defended with distinction (summa cum laude) at the Institute of Rail Vehicles and awarded by Dean of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
2010 – Present
Author of 30+ technical reports, 21peer-reviewed scientific papers in journals within national and international scope, 3 popular science articles, 9 articles in conference proceedings, 1 patent, 1 monograph.
2010 – Present
Presentedthe research work at 17 scientific conferences (e.g. ICCM19 – Montreal 2013, ECCM15&16 – Venice 2012 & Seville 2014, ICCS 17 – Porto 2013, DESICOS – Braunschweig 2015, ICMNMMCS – Torino 2012, ICCHMT Cracow 2016)
Oct. 2011 – Oct. 2014
Designed, constructed and developed the experimental test setup for thermo-mechanical investigations of curved composite structures.
Apr. 2014
Co-organized the first Spring School of Nanomechanics in Poland.
Sept. 2017
Marie Skłodowska-CurieAward for the highest-ranked applicants for the CERN Fellowship Programme. COFUND is a Marie Curie Action under the European Commission’s 7th Framework Programme.
Jan. 2017
Prof. Michał Życzkowski Prize for the youngest author of distinguished PhD dissertation.
Oct. 2014
Prof. Zdzisław Pawłowski Prize for the best paper and presentation at the 43rd National Conference on Non-Destructive Testing. Issuer: The Polish Society for Non-Destructive Testing and Technical Diagnostics SIMP (PTBNiDT SIMP).
Oct. 2011 – Sept. 2014
The scholarship Doctus - Małopolska scholarship fund for post-graduate students for outstanding scientific achievements in the development of the Małopolska Voivodeship, granted by the Voivodeship Marshal Marek Sowa.
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Rector's scientific scholarships for the best doctoral students.
2010, 2011, 2012, 2013
Dean's scientific scholarships for the best doctoral students.
June 2013
Award of Rector of the Cracow University of Technology, the President of the Academic Sports Association and the Head of the CUT Sports Centre for the best judo athlete in the 2012/2013 season.
Oct. 2010
Rector's and Dean's distinction for achievements during Master of Science study.
2007 – 2015
Six times awarded by the CUT Rectors and Dean of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for activities in behalf of the Cracow University of Technology.
2006, 2007, 2008
Honoured by scientific scholarships for the best MSc students.
Sept. 2018 – Aug. 2020
guide of the Synchrocyclotron, Superconducting magnets (SM18), Control room
Dec. 2009 – Present
Member of the Association of Polish Mechanical Engineers and Technicians (SIMP),
Nov. 2009 – June 2015
Member of the Wisła Kraków Sports Association,
2007 – 2015
Active participation in 3 university organisations connected with sport, cultural events and scientific activities: organiser and co-organizer of more than 50 scientific, cultural and sports events, 2 conferences, a member of the 6 university commissions, a member of the faculty and University Councils, chairman of the Doctoral Students Council of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering.
French: Intermediate B2 (written and spoken)
Spanish: Intermediate B2 (written and spoken)
Polish: Native
English: Fluent
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(according to the Data Protection Act of 29.08.1997, unified text published in the Polish Journal of Laws of 2002, no. 101, item 926, later amended).
Przemysław Daniel Pastuszak
Vinon-sur-Verdon, France
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